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Sterilize Your Cat


Sterilizing your cat is the removal of testes in males and ovaries and uterus in females. It is a part of responsible cat ownership. Not only that, there are also many benefits when you sterile your cat. 


Here are some of the benefits of sterilizing your cats:


  • Reduce roaming - When a female cat is in heat, her primary instinct is to find a partner to mate with. This is the same for male cats as such behaviour is caused by hormones and mating instinct. Therefore, when given the chance, they will find different kinds of ways to escape to find a partner and mate. This can include escaping from windows and doors. And as a result, causes injury to the cat.


  • Prevents unwanted pregnancy - Sterilizing your cats helps with population control in your home by preventing unwanted pregnancy from occurring.


  • Prevents disease - For female cats, it prevents infection of the womb, mammary, cervical and ovarian cancer. For male cats, it prevents testicular cancer and prostate problems.


  • Reduces fights - Unsterilized male cats tend to seek mates and defend their territory against intruders. These behaviour are usually caused by the hormones present in their body. This can result in unwanted fights between cats that can cause injury.




Cute Cat
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